Anyone who says SEO is dead is like a rabbit who loves to declare a sleeping lion or hibernating bear dead. A sleeping or hibernating creature may look still from outside, but on the inner end they are going through drastic changes for a better tomorrow. The same things stand true for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ask any website analysis services provider and they will confirm the fact. There is no disagreement to the fact that SEO has undergone huge changes in last 25 years and it is no more restricted to few keywords. You cannot sit tight by just editing your H1s, meta tags, and links any more.
It is basic human psychology to work on a set configuration or preset plan for achieving a specific goal. However, as AI and other sophisticated concepts are making their way into Google algorithms, the effect of this approach as diminished to zero. A professional firm can definitely enhance the chances of better outcomes, but still there are no assurances if you expect hundred percent results. For years, there were many believed that better rankings could be achieved by just tweaking the titles, URL, and creation of some links. Those who claim that this strategy is dead, they are right. But the process is still alive and has moved to level next. You cannot outsmart the search engine anymore. SO, how do you get ahead in the game? Let’s take a sneak peek into that.
According to some of the experts from leading SEO companies in USA, Google now plans to work more and more closely with the users. Even Google Panda that was based on the data was also gathered by Google through surveys on website qualities. These questions were answered by actual users and it was concluded
that humans have the capability to judge a site in a glance. These judgements come from their instincts that are results of thousands of unseen calculations going on conscious and subconscious level of human mind. You cannot create an algorithm for human judgement. It was then when Hummingbird made its way in Google algorithm, though it did not affect the sites like Panda, but Google claims it is capable of influencing 90 percent of human searches. Simply, a lot more is going on inner most levels than can be noticed on surface, in short hibernating for evolution.
Finally, it came with conversational search format – Google OK that turned the search engine into our local friend that doesn’t goes by words by understands the concepts and intentions behind these. And this is just the beginnings, the digital marketing services based companies predict lot many new trends hopping on in search engine optimization process by end of this year. It will include things like cross channel marketing, more experiments to turn search indexes mobile friendly rather than desktop oriented, voice search, and so forth. The future looks exciting and more close to our thinking patterns which means website designers and content writers would also need to work harder to give a more natural and engaging shape to their designs and content that connects with the audience directly. Almost every Trusted SEO company in USA has started working in this direction, have you?
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