Google’s tests and updates are a great approach by Google, which is helpful in making the searching more useful for the Internet users and also for the advertisers. These tests are done for the convenience of customers and to make advertisers connect easily with them. This test is done from search engine marketing part of digital marketing.
Search engine marketing is to the greatest extent, advertisers are taking the benefits of this marketing technique to get more visitors for their online business by getting more click & impressions by running the ad campaign. If an individual is from the digital marketing world, then he/she must have an idea about the positive effect of search engine marketing over the Internet.
Search engine marketing is one of the types of Digital Marketing consulting (tactics), through which one can do the promotion of online business or website to increase the visibility in the search engine result page from the paid advertising. These paid advertising also needs specific tactics and techniques to increase the visitors to the particular website.
Google Adwords is an SEM tool which is used to perform the process of paid advertising, these can be done by running the ads on Google as per marketers estimated & calculated on the basis of current market scenario.
Our topic of discussion will start from here, Google Adwords recent tests are for latest ad extension. Google is testing on a new ad format which will let your prediction to message you. This ad extension is similar to the old extension named call ad buttons, this extension will work for sending text messages to the advertiser. This extension will display as the icon of the text message that will allow the customers or users to drop a text message to the company doing advertising on Adwords.
When a user clicks this icon a default message app will be open, such as you have seen in live chat, the icon will display with previously filled advertisers information. This icon was displayed with some automated text messages. Well, I thought now everyone will get some idea about the test that Google Adwords in going to launch, this launch should be convenient for the advertisers as well as users and customers who are interested in the ad run by the Google Adwords. Soon you will get a new screen with having the functionality of giving a text message to the advertisers.
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