Google plus is a type of social networking service, this service is widely used by the people all over the world to popularize their business, currently in the Internet world every person want to connect with others, there are many social networking sites where people from all over the world are connected with each other. Business is also the purpose of connecting with people who are relevant to our product, niche or category.
Well, my purpose is different here, today its Google plus Birthday and here we will discuss the important aspects of Google, which are best according to users who are interested in Google for your business and another task such as sharing news, latest information & posts.
W3Era is wishing Happy Birthday to Google Plus. Today, I surprisingly came to know that “Google plus is completed its fifth year”.
Some significant facts regarding Google Plus (G+)
Google plus was launched on June 28, 2011, Google plus is an interesting social networking site, which is owned and operated by Google Inc. Currently, the Google plus is having 111 Million active users, it was written in the language Java and JavaScript. The slogan for Google Plus is “Get way into what you love”
The current status of Google is, it is active, According to the engineer in Google Plus, Ivan Yudhi; this is the fifth birthday of Google. He wrote on Google plus that “So my G+ anniversary isn’t actually until July 11th (the day I made my first post), but I checked Wikipedia and it was stated that Google+ was launched in June, so might as well do it now.”
Google is having several features which are efficiently used by the users of G+, making friends, connecting from one person to another is the basic needs of the human. The feature like +Circle, +Sparks, +Hangouts, + Mobile, + location, + Instant Upload, Google messenger, etc. are some of the excellent features of Google plus which are really liked by the users who are using Google plus.
Billions of users are trusted in Google and it is one of the safe and secure media to connect with people all over the world, it doesn’t matter for users who are connected with G+ that it is not popular like other social networking, but user can trust it and accepted it to build their social platform strong.
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