Google has published the second part of the “spam update” on June 28. The update arrives after part one turned out on June 23.
Danny Sullivan’s said-
“Both parts of this spam update were global updates that targeted both web results and image results.”
Google’s Part 2 Announcement-
“The second part of our spam update has begun today, and it will also conclude later today unless we share otherwise.”
In the past 3 months, SEOs have had various Search updates turn out-
It begins on April 8th and resolves on April 22nd. This update is created to better reward product reviews that share in-depth research rather than thin content that simply compiles a group of products. This update aims to improve review content that is above and beyond much of the template’s form that people can see on the web.
Google said- “Will promote these types of product reviews in its search results rankings”.
It started on June 2nd and ended on June 12th. This update will be a global rollover, influencing all languages, and will take about two weeks to rollout. Google will validate when the rollout is finished, which should be before the page performance update that is slated for mid-June.
It began on June 15th and will roll out through the end of August. This update is planned to highlight pages that offer magnificent user experiences. Page experience persists as one of many factors our systems take into account.
Google Said- “Sites generally should not expect drastic changes,”
It was initiated on June 23rd. These updates are one-day updates and do not turn out over a multi-day period like Google’s core updates typically do.
Google Said- “This spam update will conclude today. A second one will follow next week”
These updates were initiated on June 28th. And, the July Core Update is expected to start rolling out next month.
If you notice ranking changes today, it might be correlated to Google’s spam efforts and this update, so secure your site is playing by Google’s laws and guidelines.
This was a global announcement that influenced both the web and images results. So, if you observe ranking changes on the 23rd June or 28th June, it might be associated with spam-associated issues.
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