After Panda 4.1 update, the next and the mostly anticipated prospect was Google Penguin updated of algorithm naming the version Penguin 3.0. The update was announced late Friday night, where it has been started that the Penguin algorithm would primarily looks at the back links of the site and may downgrade those sites that seems to be having a poor back link profile.
The release though was poorly communicated by Google after 24 hour from the exact time of proclamation it has been duly stated by Google’s Pierre Far, who stated that Penguin 3.0 is a worldwide update that would impactall the versions of Google. The mentioned update is on rollout and is not yet complete, but will continue for the same till the next few weeks.
It sounds to impact less than 1% of English queries but the update might route its influencein to other languages more or less. The update is only a refresh, but you should know that it would finally devaluethose sites that are addressed with bad link profiles. Besidesthe update would also act as assistance to those sites that were previously hit by Penguin and they have cleaned up their link profiles.
Impact of Penguin Update for Business Owners:
Since Google algorithm updated Penguin 3.0 and this counts mostly about link building profile. But as your website is our livelihood, you need to do SEO so as to make the site run high in the rank of Google page. In this concern you should make use of right tool operated by right professional to gain applauds accordingly.
So, make sure that you follow one nerve that is recover, protect and build. As the update is rolling out for the next week, you need to take note that if you are not hit this time by the update, you may be hurt the next time. Thus, do not rest on your laurels on the contrary, you should make up the instinct to protect your site and even build a stronger profile.
SEO is a long game and to make yourself protected from getting hit form Penguin 3.0 update make sure that you start cleaning backlink profile. This new rollout pattern will bring a new phase in Penguin history so stay alert and see what messages are dropped by Google HQ this weekend. On can estimate and assume that there would be loads of bumps in the road, which you need to take care of while riding your sites with bad back links.
The update of Penguin 3.0 is also boosted with guiding principle,as this apprise would look to penalize those websites that uses manipulative techniques in order to achieve high rankings in the Google’s page. Thus, according to Matt Cutts, the update counts to have the purpose of catching the excessive spammers, who uses black page method to get the sites rank high.
After this update, some of the websites have counted to explain losing their rank from the search rankings on Google for specific keywords during the Panda and Penguin rollouts. Hence, Google have specifically mentions that doorway pages, where the spammers take the lift to buildan attract search engine traffic, but these are purely against their webmaster guidelines.
Counting two days after the Penguin 3.0 update was released Google has also prepared a feedback form that is designed for two categories of users. One explains that those who want to report web spam and that they are still ranks highly after the search algorithm change. Secondly, it is also for those website owners who think that their site got unfairly hit by the update and they want an evaluation.
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