7 benefits of using Google Apps for Education

By: w3era

Digital marketing

Image source: Freepik

You can use Google Apps in your school to streamline assignments, and foster communication.

Teachers use Google Forms to craft tests with various question types: multiple choice, text-based, simplifying the process.

Image source: freepik

Creating Test

With Google Forms, teachers effortlessly distribute tests to classes or embed them in Google Sites for accessibility.

Image source: freepik

Sharing Tests 

Google Calendar organizes classes, timetables, and events, offering selective sharing or public subscriptions for class schedules.

Using Google Calendar

Social Media provides an effective connection with your audience. At w3era, we can take care of your complete Social Media strategy from design to track.

Google Docs offers interactivity with features like research, add-ons, and embedded gadgets, enhancing engagement and collaboration.

Interactivity with Google Docs 

Teachers generate and store documents on Google Drive, sharing them with customizable access options for seamless collaboration.

Creating and Sharing Document

Google Hangouts facilitate online classes, enabling interactive virtual learning experiences for teachers and students.

Virtual Lesson

Classes can be recorded and archived on a dedicated YouTube channel, enriching learning through accessible tutorials and webinars.


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