6 Most Common Schema   Markups in SEO    

Discover the top 6 schema markups used in SEO to boost your website's visibility and rankings

What is Schema Markup

Schema markup is a structured data code added to web pages that helps search engines understand content better.

6 Common Schema Markups

1. Organization Schema 2. Review Schema  3. Product Schema 4. Article Schema 5. Breadcrumb Schema  6. FAQ Schema

Organization Schema

This type of markup provides pertinent information about a company or organization, such as its name, logo, contact details, social media profiles, and other relevant data.

Review Schema

It provide ratings and reviews for products, services, businesses, and other entities. It enables search engines to exhibit star ratings and review snippets in search results.

Product Schema

Used to describe specific products, this markup includes details such as the product's name, brand, price, availability, description, and reviews.

Article Schema

This markup is employed for news articles, blog posts, and other editorial content.  It has information like headline, author, publishing date, article body, and any associated images.

Breadcrumb Schema

This markup aids search engines in comprehending the structure of a website and displays breadcrumbs in search results. Consequently, users find it easier to navigate a website.

FAQ Schema

FAQ Schema provide concise answers to frequently asked questions. It enhances search results by displaying FAQs directly, improving visibility and user experience.