Metaverse:  A New Frontier for Marketer

1. Digital Business Revolution

The metaverse combines virtual reality, augmented reality, social media, & cryptocurrency to create a powerful tool for businesses and marketers.

2. Society's Digital Dive

The metaverse has the potential to push marketing and society deeper into digital innovation and immersion.

3. Consumer Interest Surges

In the next two to five years, more than 70% of customers expect to use the metaverse in settings other than gaming, according to a survey by Accenture.

4. Metaverse's $5 Trillion Opportunity

The metaverse could generate $5 trillion in revenue for businesses by 2030, according to McKinsey & Company.

5. Metaverse for Businesses

Traditional companies are also increasingly leveraging the metaverse to add value for their customers.

6. GPT-4 Fuels Metaverse

The rise of AI technologies, such as GPT-4, which powers ChatGPT, will help make the metaverse an even more vibrant place.