7 Types of Influencer Marketing in 2024 

By: w3era

Digital marketing

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Companies partner with influencers for long-term promotion, creating loyalty and trust with the audience.

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Brand Ambassador 

Special campaigns for holidays or seasons; influencers showcase products fitting the occasion for maximum impact.

Image source: freepik

Seasonal Campaigns 

Influencers co-create products with brands, leveraging their creativity and audience to boost sales.

Image source: freepik

Product Collaboration 

Social Media provides an effective connection with your audience. At w3era, we can take care of your complete Social Media strategy from design to track.

Influencers earn a commission for sales they generate, making it a win-win for brands and influencers.

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Affiliate Marketing 

Contests where influencers give away products, engaging their followers and increasing brand visibility.

Image source: freepik

Giveaway Competition 

Sending products to influencers for reviews and unboxing videos, reaching a wider audience authentically.

Image source: freepik

Product Seeding & Unboxing 

Influencers promote products for a fee, ensuring their audience sees and engages with the brand's message.

Image source: freepik

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